Welcome to Our Holistic Health & Wellness Practice

Our Combined Approach

Intuition & Knowledge in Harmony

The Barefoot Healers offer a distinctive blend of intuitive insight and research-based knowledge, providing a holistic package that can be tailored to your individual needs. Our combined strengths in integrative health, energy work and spiritual practices, enable us to address a broad spectrum of health concerns. We value the partnership with our clients, guiding you with a blend of intuitive understanding and learned expertise.

In our practice, intuition plays a crucial role. We trust our instincts to guide our clients on their health journeys, yet we are also committed to continuous learning and research. 

Each client brings a unique opportunity for us to expand our knowledge and refine our skills. We've amassed vast experience in a variety of situations, illnesses and life challenges, allowing us to provide well-rounded and effective guidance. Our approach is not only about harnessing intuitive wisdom but also about staying informed and educated, ensuring that our clients receive the best of both worlds.

We can work together or alone with clients, to provide a unique, holistic package tailored to your needs. We address a wide spectrum of health concerns, leveraging our expertise in integrative health, energy work and spiritual practices. We believe in a partnership with our clients, guiding you through every step of your journey towards optimal health and harmony.

Know Thyself To Heal Thyself

Meet Jennie

Your Intuitive & Holistic Integrative Health Coach

I'm Jennie, an empathetic guide with over 25 years in nursing, specialising in critical care, nutrition, gut health, hormone balance, stress management, energy balancing, and spiritual counseling. My journey through personal health challenges, including mold toxicity, SIBO, adrenal dysfunction, and hormonal imbalances, has deepened my understanding of the intricate nature of health.

Together with Bo, we have developed the BAREFOOT approach after working with clients with a vast array of health complaints. This method was created to cover all aspects of health, healing and well-being, ensuring a holistic path to wellness that blends intuition with structured methodologies.

Everything is connected and we help you put together the pieces of your jigsaw.

The BAREFOOT Approach

  • Body Consciousness: Learn to decipher your body's subtle signals and responses. Through tools like journaling and symptom tracking, you'll cultivate a connection with your physical self. This empowers you to make well-informed health decisions and recognise imbalances at their onset, leading to proactive and personalised care.

  • Alternative Healing Remedies: Explore alternative healing remedies and how they might assist your journey. This ranges from the nurturing power of herbs to energy practices like Reiki and crystal healing. These methods work in synergy with your body's natural healing mechanisms, offering you a variety of options to support your wellness journey. A mantra of “take what resonates and leave what doesn’t”, is key.

  • Rest and Relaxation: Together we will discover strategies to elevate the quality of your rest, manage stress effectively, and embrace a lifestyle that rejuvenates your mind and body. By prioritising rest and relaxation, you'll experience enhanced mental clarity, improved mood, and overall better health.

  • Equilibrium: Learn and explore different techniques to harmonise your emotional and spiritual health to achieve equilibrium. Engaging in practices like meditation and mindfulness, we align your energies, fostering inner tranquility and a profound sense of well-being. This balance enhances your resilience and emotional stability.

  • Food as Medicine: Receive dietary advice based on your unique needs. Managing your diet can be your most potent ally in your health journey. Understanding the power of nutrition, you'll learn to use food to support your body's healing processes, boost energy levels, and improve overall health. This includes support and advice on any special diets that may be valuable such as an Elimination Diet, Low FODMAP, GAPS, Keto etc,.

  • Optimal Digestion: Focus on digestion and explore ways to nurture your gut health. This includes personalised nutrition plans and lifestyle adjustments that support digestive health, which in turn enhances mental and emotional well-being. I am also able to order and interpret Functional Medicine Testing such as the GI Map to understand your unique microbiome.

  • One with Nature: Reconnect or strengthen your connection with the Earth and being one with nature. Engage in practices that reduce digital overload, enhance mental clarity, and resonate with your natural rhythm, promoting a life in harmony with the natural world, which supports both mental and physical health.

  • Toxic Load Reduction: Understand the importance of reducing your toxic load. Learn how to work on minimising exposure to toxins and enhance your body's detoxification processes, which is integral to long-term health and vitality. This may include considering heavy metal or mold detox or a parasite cleanse.

As an integrative health practitioner, nurse, and spiritual counsellor, my toolkit includes using supplements, where indicated, such as medicinal mushrooms, vitamins, minerals, detoxification agents, herbal preparations, essential oils, energy healing techniques, personalised nutrition plans, mindfulness practices and more. I also employ biofeedback techniques, stress management strategies and holistic lifestyle counseling to support the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of each individual. No one person is the same and therefore advice is carefully tailored to each individual.

Let's start this transformative journey together!

What You Get from My Services

  • Personalised Health Plans: individualised plan tailored to your specific needs and goals.

  • Advice on Further Testing:advice on further diagnostic testing to gain deeper insights into your health.

  • Referrals to Health Professionals: When appropriate referrals to other health professionals or alternative practitioners to ensure you receive comprehensive care.

  • Empathetic, Non-Judgmental Support: A compassionate ear and a supportive environment where you can feel heard and understood.

  • Clarity Among Confusion: Help navigate the overwhelming amount of health information available, providing clear and actionable advice.

  • Ongoing Guidance and Encouragement: Continuous support, adjustments to your plan as needed, and encouragement to keep you motivated.

  • Access to our digital resources: Have access to our vast digital library and resources including where appropriate, courses (excluding the Roadmap Course) with your own Client Portal where all our communication, advice and work will be kept for you to access at any time.

Who is Jennie's Package For?

  • Jennie's Integrative Health Coaching Package is particularly tailored for those dealing with chronic health conditions. If you're facing long-term health issues like autoimmune diseases, hormonal imbalances, digestive disorders, or chronic fatigue, this package offers an empathetic and comprehensive approach to managing and improving your condition. Jennie has access to various testing methods and is experienced at interpreting tests like the GI Map, Dutch Test and others. 

  • It's also ideal for individuals who are looking for a holistic overhaul of their health. If you've been navigating the healthcare system with little success or feel that conventional treatments haven't addressed the root causes of your issues, Jennie's expertise in integrating various health modalities can offer new avenues for healing and wellbeing.

  • If you're health-conscious but still facing ongoing health challenges, this package provides the deeper insights and personalised strategies that generic health advice can't offer. Jennie's approach is particularly beneficial for those who understand that true health involves balancing physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life.

Jennie’s Services

  • Comprehensive Initial Integrative Health Assessment

    Kickstart your journey to optimal health with our Comprehensive Initial Integrative Health Assessment. In this 90-minute session, our expert integrative health coach will perform a thorough evaluation of your health, lifestyle, and goals. You will receive a personalised, written integrative health plan designed to address your unique needs and set you on the path to wellness.

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  • Monthly Integrative Health Coaching Subscription

    Ensure continuous progress and support with our Ongoing Health Coaching Subscription. Perfect for those seeking sustained improvements and accountability, this package offers monthly coaching sessions, unlimited access to our client portal, digital resources, and continuous support.

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  • Follow Up Integrative Health Appointment

    For those seeking a thorough health evaluation without ongoing commitments, our Single Comprehensive Integrative Health Appointment provides a detailed 60-minute session. You will receive a full written integrative health plan and deep insights into your personal health. Only available if you have already had a Integrative Health Assessment appointment first.

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What to Expect with Jennie's Package

What is Integrative Health?

Integrative Health and Medicine is a comprehensive approach to care that considers the full range of physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and environmental influences that affect a person's health. Unlike traditional medicine, which often focuses primarily on treating symptoms, integrative health and medicine seeks to treat the whole person and to address the root causes of illness.

Holistic Approach

It considers all aspects of a person’s life, including physical health, mental wellness, emotional balance, social factors and spiritual well-being.

Patient-Centred Care

This approach prioritises the patient’s unique conditions, needs, and circumstances. It empowers patients to take an active role in their healthcare.

Combining Therapies

Integrative health often combines modern Western medical practices with alternative or complementary therapies, such as acupuncture, massage therapy, yoga, or herbal medicine.

Preventive Care

There is a strong focus on disease prevention and health promotion. This includes emphasising nutrition, lifestyle, and stress management as foundational to maintaining health.

Evidence-Based Practice

Treatments and therapies are chosen based on scientific evidence of their effectiveness and safety.

Personalised Treatments

Recognising that each person is unique, the treatment plans in integrative medicine are highly personalised. They are tailored to address the specific needs and conditions of the individual.

Emphasis on Therapeutic Relationships

There's a strong emphasis on building trust and a therapeutic alliance between the patient and healthcare provider.

Mind-Body Connection

Integrative health acknowledges and utilises the significant impact of the mind on physical health and vice versa.

Integrative health and medicine can be particularly beneficial for individuals with chronic illnesses, complex medical conditions, or those seeking to improve their overall health and wellness. It aims not just to treat illness but to improve life quality and overall well-being.

About Bo

Your Spiritual &
Wellness Ally

Hello, I'm Bo, Reiki Master and Herbalist working alongside Jennie to enrich your holistic health journey. 

My expertise spans herbs, essential oils, crystals, energy balancing, chakra work and spiritual counselling, all enhanced by a unique design sensibility. 

I advocate for integrating the physical and spiritual dimensions of well-being, using natural remedies and energy practices to cultivate balance.  My approach is deeply intuitive, yet grounded in practical and tangible methods.

Who is this for?

  • The '6-Month Integrative Health Coaching Package with Jennie' is ideal for individuals looking for an in-depth, transformative health journey. Whether you're dealing with chronic health issues, seeking to improve overall wellness, or navigating life's stressors, this package offers personalised care and expertise. It's particularly beneficial for those who appreciate a holistic approach to health that encompasses physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

  • The 'One-Off Integrative Health Appointment' is perfect for those needing immediate, targeted support. This option suits individuals facing a specific health challenge or decision and seeking expert guidance without the commitment to a long-term program.

  • Bo's 'Spiritual and Wellbeing Package' and ‘Energy Consultation’ cater to those who are seeking to deepen their spiritual understanding, balance their energy, or address emotional blockages. It's ideal for anyone at a crossroads in life, needing spiritual guidance, or those interested in exploring alternative healing practices. Bo also focuses on natural and herbal remedies, tinctures, teas and oils as an adjunct to your healing path.

Bo’s Services

  • Bo's Spiritual & Wellbeing Package

    Inclusions: 60-minute spiritual and wellbeing assessment, personalised action plan, and access to digital resources.
    Two 30-minute distance Reiki Treatments, for energy balance.
    Add-On: Integrative health assessment with Jennie for complex medical needs 125 euros.
    (see specific Reiki services for pricing)

    Price 125 euros

  • Bo's One-Off Energy Consultation

    Consultation with Bo on energy work and herbal remedies, including a personalised eBook.

    Inclusions: One 30-minute distance Reiki treatment, to help raise your vibration and balance your energy.

    Price 100 euros

What to Expect from Us

Emergency Rescue Package - Rapid Response for Urgent Needs

Our Emergency Rescue Package is akin to being enveloped in the warm, reassuring embrace of your closest family. Imagine the nurturing presence of a mother, the wise counsel of a grandmother, the understanding of an aunt, and the unwavering support of a best friend — all combined into one holistic support system. This package is designed to provide you with that level of comfort and care during your most challenging times.

Who This Is For

This package is ideal for individuals who find themselves in urgent need of guidance and support. Whether it's a spiritual crisis, a sudden physical ailment, or an overwhelming life event, our rapid response team is here to help you navigate through these challenging times.

Contact Us For Pricing

Given the personalised and urgent nature of this package, we invite you to contact us directly for pricing and to discuss your specific needs. Our goal is to ensure that you receive the prompt, compassionate, and effective care that you deserve in your time of need.

  • Emergency Rescue Package - Rapid Response for Urgent Needs

    Our Emergency Rescue Package is specially crafted for individuals facing acute spiritual, physical, or emotional distress. This package is designed to provide rapid, compassionate and effective support when you need it the most, ensuring a quick turnaround within 48 hours.

    Contact Us For Pricing

Emergency Rescue - What We Offer


  • If you're dealing with chronic physical health issues like hormonal imbalances, digestive disorders, or seeking a comprehensive approach to overall health and wellness, Jennie's 6-Month Package is ideal. It offers in-depth health coaching with a focus on physical, emotional, and nutritional balance. If your primary focus is on spiritual and emotional well-being, exploring energy work, or balancing your chakras, then Bo's Spiritual and Wellbeing Package would be more suitable.

  • The One-Off Appointment is perfect for immediate, specific health concerns where you need expert advice quickly. In this session, you'll have a 90-minute consultation followed by a 30-minute follow-up. It's ideal for those who may not be ready to commit to a long-term package but need guidance on particular health issues.

  • Absolutely! You can start with either Jennie’s or Bo’s package and add on services from the other as needed. For instance, if you choose Bo's package but realise you need more comprehensive health support, you can add on Jennie's integrative health assessment. Our services are designed to be flexible and complement each other for a holistic healing experience.

  • The Emergency Rescue Package is a rapid-response service for anyone in immediate need of support, be it spiritual, emotional, or physical. It's like having a caring family member at your side. This package is ideal for those in a crisis or facing urgent challenges and need quick yet compassionate professional guidance.

  • Once you book a package, you'll receive access to our joint Google Drive to schedule your appointments at a time that suits you. After your session with Jennie or Bo, expect a written plan and follow-up appointment booking within 10 working days. We ensure continuous support and adaptability throughout your journey with us.