Reiki for Energy Balance & Wellness


Reiki orignated in Japan. It was rediscovered in the late 19th century by Dr Mikao Usui, and is a technique for relaxation and stress reduction that promotes happiness and peace of mind.

Reiki is a Japanese word - pronounced 'ray-key' - that means Universal Life Force. This Life Force energy is all around and within us. Sometimes our energy is low and we feel depleted. This can make us feel ill-tempered or more depressed than usual, and maybe even physically, emotionally or spiritually drained.

Reiki allows you to absorb more life force energy, it revitalises you and balances the energies in your body. This increase in energy can improve sleep and moods, helping you to settle into a more balanced state. It is a simple, natural and safe method of healing which is available to everyone and everything, even your pets.

Reiki is given by gently laying-on hands or sent across time and space with a distance treatment. For those who do not like, or cannot to be touched, Reiki can be given with the hands hovering over the body. The outcome is the same, whether you are on the couch in-person or having a distant session, Reiki treats the whole person - body, mind, emotions and spirit - leaving you with a feeling of calm and peace.

Distance Reiki Treatment
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Distance Reiki Treatment
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What does Reiki feel like?

Everybody experiences Reiki differently. It produces a deep relaxation which promotes a sense of well-being on all levels. Some people experience sensations of heat, cold, tingling or see colours, whilst others can have an emotional response, or even just fall asleep. All of these sensations indicate that energy shifts are taking place, opening the door to harmony and balance.

Reiki can be used alongside any other conventional or complementary treatments and often helps to provide emotional support during recovery. Not only that, but anyone from any culture, faith or belief system can practise and benefit from Reiki.

This wonderful energy is available for everybody.

A Reiki Treatment for Jennie.

Just for today,
don’t get angry, don’t worry, do your best, be grateful, be kind.

Reiki Attunements.

An attunement, “Reiju” meaning energy blessing in Japanese, is a mysterious yet powerful initiation process, where the recipient has their energy meridians opened to the universal energy of Reiki.

The attunement will stimulate the entire physical and energetic bodies, thereby promoting health and personal growth on all levels and enhancing the sense of well-being.

After your first attunement, you become a Reiki person - for life!

No special background or knowledge is required, so anyone of any age can learn and practise it. All attunements are given in-person by a Reiki Master and there are three formal levels of initiation.

We also have a new course called ‘How to Use Reiki for Energy Balance and Wellness’. This teaches a beginner’s level view of Energy Healing and the benefits it brings to the whole self.

How to Use Reiki for Energy Balance & Wellness
One time
For 3 months

This course is for anyone with an open mind and a curiosity about the power of Reiki.  You will journey from Reiki novice to becoming ready to tap into the universal life force energy, for your own wellness and the wellness of others.

✓ 10 Lessons
✓ 4 meditations
✓ Unlimited lifetime access