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How to Achieve Hormonal Balance & Health

How to Achieve Hormonal Balance & Health
One time
For 3 months

This course offers evidence-based, researched advice on understanding and managing hormonal changes across different life stages like puberty, pregnancy, perimenopause and postmenopause. We cover the role of key hormones like oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone, and learn about their impact on mental and physical health, hormonal imbalance symptoms and effective detoxification pathways. Included is a Hormonal Balance journal and a printable ebook of the course content.

✓ Plus our Hormonal Balance Journal & eBook
✓ Unlimited lifetime access

About our course

Discover insights into female hormonal health with the “How to Achieve Hormonal Balance & Health” course by the Barefoot Healers. This guide offers evidence-based, researched advice on understanding and managing hormonal changes across different life stages like puberty, pregnancy, perimenopause and postmenopause.

We cover the role of key hormones like oestrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, and learn about their impact on mental and physical health, hormonal imbalance symptoms, and effective detoxification pathways.

Explore the critical interplay of the HPA and HPO axis in stress and hormonal balance, understand the role of the thyroid in hormonal health, and get recommendations for hormone testing and balancing lifestyle factors.

What you’ll learn

Target Audience

This course is ideal for women experiencing hormonal changes, health practitioners seeking deeper insights into female hormonal health and anyone interested in understanding the complex interplay of hormones in the female body.

Learner Expectations

  • Receive comprehensive knowledge about women's hormonal health.

  • Engage with interactive content that encourages personal health assessment.

  • Acquire tools for managing hormonal health through holistic practices.

  • Participate in discussions and activities that foster a deeper understanding of hormonal balance.

  • Complete the course with actionable strategies for personal wellness.

Jennie & Bo

Meet your instructors

The Barefoot Healers are the key to connecting your goals to your future achievements.  We are a team. We will help you unlock your inner potential, boost your confidence, master the field and use your intuition.

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How to Achieve Hormonal Balance & Health
One time
For 3 months

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