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How To Use Your Intuition For Healing & Health

How to Use Your Intuition for Healing & Health
One time
For 3 months

Our transformative course helps to enhance your intuition. We will journey together through the intriguing realms of energy medicine and intuitive healing techniques, nurturing your skills and fostering deeper connections with others.

✓ 38 Lessons
✓ 13 Meditations
✓ Intuition Journal + Ebook included

38 Lessons

13 Meditations

Journal & eBook

150 Hours

About our course.

In this dynamic and fun-filled adventure, we'll explore aspects of intuitive healing, from its foundational principles to the wisdom of ancient healing practices embraced by diverse cultures.

Throughout this course, you'll be introduced to the world of intuitive healing, and begin to understand the connection between the mind and body and how to harness this power for healing.  We'll journey together covering Energy Medicine, Healing Techniques and Intuitive Healing in Relationships, nurturing your skills and fostering deeper connections with others.

As we progress, you'll discover various healing tools, from the soothing tones of Sound Healing to the powerful energy of Crystals and Vibrational Remedies.  You will enhance your intuitive abilities as you connect with your higher self and spirit guides, establishing energetic boundaries for greater balance and well-being. Intuition is a lifelong journey of growth and reflection, to help you create positive transformations in your life and the lives of those around you.

Open your heart and mind and let the magic of intuitive healing ignite the healer within you with a world of limitless possibilities and profound self-discovery.  Together, we'll discover the power of intuition and how that relates to healing and personal growth.  Are you ready to expand your intuitive potential? Let's start this life-changing journey together!

What you’ll learn

Target Audience

Aspiring Healers and Spiritual Seekers  If you have a strong desire to help others and want to channel your intuitive gifts into a healing practice, this course provides a solid foundation for your journey.

Individuals Seeking Self-Healing  If you are on a quest for self-discovery, inner healing, and personal transformation, the course offers invaluable insights and techniques.

Holistic Practitioners  Complement your existing healing modalities with the intuitive aspect, expanding the scope and effectiveness of your healing practice.

Coaches and Therapists For professionals working in counselling, therapy, or coaching, integrating intuitive healing principles will deepen your understanding of your clients' needs.

Healthcare Providers  Doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals can gain valuable tools to support their patients' healing journeys beyond conventional medicine.

Jennie & Bo

Meet your instructors

The Barefoot Healers are the key to connecting your goals to your future achievements.  We are a team. We will help you unlock your inner potential, boost your confidence, master the field and use your intuition.

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Enrol Now ☆

How to Use Your Intuition for Healing & Health
One time
For 3 months

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