Our Treatments.

What We Offer.

All of the therapies shown below are used by the Barefoot Healers to help you get back to balance. Each session is tailored to your individual needs and the energy your body and soul requires for harmony.

Our services are devoted to illuminating your path to inner peace and wellness, helping you discover the bright light of healing that resides inside of you.

Explore Our Treatments.

  • Integrative Health Coaching

    As an integrative health coach, Jennie combines traditional nursing and medical knowledge with holistic methods to assist clients in attaining well-being and improvements in health. She is experienced working with clients with a wide range of medical “conditions” and DIS-EASE. She works closely with each individual to review their health background, lifestyle and aspirations. Jennie develops tailored wellness plans that may include nutritional advice, exercise routines, stress reduction techniques and alternative therapies. Her approach emphasises educating and empowering clients while considering the physical, mental and emotional aspects of health, aiming to achieve lasting and balanced health improvements.

  • Reiki

    Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique where practitioners use their hands to channel healing energy into the recipient's body. It promotes relaxation, stress reduction, and overall well-being by addressing energetic imbalances.

    Studies have explored the effects of Reiki, on stress reduction and relaxation. Research indicates that Reiki sessions can induce a state of deep relaxation, promote a sense of well-being and support the body's self-healing abilities. 

  • Spiritual Counselling

    Spiritual counselling focusses on healing the whole person from within. This practice does not have any religious connotations. It is about becoming more thoughtful on a daily basis, including meditation and mindfulness practices, which help to focus attention and cultivate a state of present-moment awareness.

  • Distance Reiki

    Also known as absent or remote healing, the recipient can be in the next room, town or even the other side of the world. Sending this gentle energy to another person is instantaneous, there are no time delays regardless of the distance. We typically works with a photo of yourself to gain an instant rapport and we will also need your location.

  • Crystal Therapy

    Crystal healing therapy is a natural practice that has been used for centuries to help heal the mind, body and soul. Using various types of crystals, the therapy seeks to redirect negative energy and restore balance and harmony.

    The process itself is simple, yet effective. During a session, we will place various crystals on specific points on the body. The crystals work by emitting specific vibrations and energies, which are then absorbed by the body. The benefits of crystal healing therapy can be far-reaching. For example, many people report feeling less anxious and stressed after a session, while others experience improved sleep and better physical health.

  • Grounding

    Grounding, also known as earthing, is a practice that involves connecting with the Earth's electrical energy to restore balance and promote well-being. The Earth carries a negative charge. Many modern lifestyles and environments expose us to positive charges from electronic devices, electromagnetic fields and urban settings. Grounding helps you feel calmer, reduces inflammation and pain, improves your immune system and encourages better sleep.

    Check out our new online course “How to Find Healing Through Earth Connection and Grounding.”

Book a Treatment.

Just click the button below to book a treatment with Jennie or Bo.